TravelMatch Mobile App

Role: UI, UX, Research & Visual Design | Platform: iOS

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Project Overview

Create a Mobile Travel app that makes planning trips easier for both the frequent and casual travelers. It removes the frustration of bad dining, hotel & entertainment suggestions with an modern, easy to use interface. This is my on-going passion project. My role was to research, design and test all UIs related to the project.


Relying on recommendations by random people on a website can easily turn a fun night out into a disaster. The main problem with website recommendations is you never know who is actually making the suggestions. It could be someone with a grudge, who works for the company or even a bot. We want to help people have great experiences through quality custom recommendations.


This project has been a real eye-opener for how and why the design process works. From conducting early research to completely changing the direction of the app, this project has been a challenge. Overall I'm happy and where it is in its current state. Moving forward I would like to put the app into development and start beta testing to flush out bugs and inconsistencies.